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Governors: Who's Who?

Composition of the Governing Body
There are 16 governors in Bishop Gilpin's governing body, 14 of whom who are elected/appointed initially for a four-year term and two of whom - the head teacher and the rector of St Mary's church - are ex-officio, that is, they have positions on the board for as long as they remain in their respective posts.

The governing body must comprise the following:

  • two parents elected by the parents

  • two co-opted governors

  • one appointed by the Local Authority

  • one headteacher

  • one staff governor

  • nine Foundation governors

 The Foundation governors comprise:

  • two appointed by the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education (SDBE)

  • five appointed by the Parochial Church Council (PCC)

  • one appointed by the Merton Deanery Synod

  • Team Rector (or someone appointed by the Archdeacon of Lambeth)

From time to time additional associate members come to meetings to provide particular expertise. These members of the governing body are not able to vote at Main Governing Board (MGB) meetings. 

The Governors have a mix of relevant professional qualifications, in the fields of education, finance, premises and law. This combination of skills and experience enables the Governing Body collectively to implement a strong strategic direction for the school, including the review and challenge of the School Development Plan and school budget.

It is a requirement that schools show the following information about their Governors & Associate Governors on the website (including any who have left the governing board in the previous 12 months):

  • Full name
  • By whom the governor was appointed, and their term of office
  • On which committees the governor sits, whether they chair the meetings, and their attendance
  • in the previous year
  • With which members of staff the governor has been allocated links
  • Any relevant business or pecuniary interests
  • Any relevant relationships with other governors or staff at the school, or with other schools 


Please click here to see details of our current governing body. 

Vacancies - there are currently governor vacancies. For further information please contact the Clerk on gbclerk@bishopgilpin.org.