PARENTPAY - Online Payment System
Bishop Gilpin Primary School use a secure online payment system, ParentPay, allowing parents to make payments to the school using their debit or credit card.
ParentPay provides a safe, secure and easy way to pay online for school items such as school meals, trips, clubs and other activities. The system is also used to collate permissions for children attending school trips and clubs.
- The system allows you to make online payments to the school whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Makes it easy to make payments for school items by debit or credit card.
- Peace of mind that payments are made safely and securely to the school.
- You can also merge your accounts if you have more than one child at the school.
- You will receive an email receipt for all payments and you can check at any time what and when you have paid the school through ParentPay.
Once a child has been admitted to the school parents will be emailed their username and password which will also include details of how to register for the system.
If you would like more information, or you have not been given an on-line access code, please contact Cindy Hudson at the School Office.